CIHEAM conference center | Zaragoza, Spain
23 participants representing 1️4 organizations from 10 Mediterranean countries.
2 days.
On the 24th and 25th of January, 23 representatives of PASTINNOVA partners attended the Training Workshop in Zaragoza, Spain.
The workshop was organized to serve two purposes:
1. To train facilitator agents coming from PASTINNOVA partners and destined to drive, animate and coordinate the Regional Living Laboratories (RLLs) of the project. Facilitation means that inside the RLLs, trained facilitators will support a group of pastoral actors towards the reaching of the shared objective.
2. To familiarize and train project partners on the various methods and activities that they will employ within the RLLs. Facilitators will guide the process in terms of form and goals, but not in terms of contents (detailed guidelines for contents will be provided by respective partners).
The workshop allowed partners to exchange knowledge on the following topics:
- The Common Network of Pastoral Actors and Value Chains of Pastoral products – RLLs and Innovative Business Models (IBM) in PASTINNOVA
- RLL operational model and exhaustive list of the available existing IBM
- Participatory methods introduction
- Presentation of clustering of IBMs and validation
- Initial discussion for the organization of the cluster groups
- Follow-the-Thing
- Co-assessment and upscale of IBM
- WP3 methods and data – Scenario assessment
- WP5 (policy assessment, policy meetings)
- RLLs and WP6
- Dissemination and Communication Activities
- Gender research in Pastinnova.
Outcome / Deliverables.
The work of RLLs was organized around four clusters of IBM presented in the workshop, meaning that all RLLs meetings will be arranged thematically around the four clusters of IBM with the participation of all stakeholders appointed by partners. The work of the RLLs will begin in May 2023 (Month 13 of the project).
The four thematic clusters of the RLLs are :
Marketing Innovation
Value Chain
Technological &
Managerial Innovation
for Food Autonomy
Cooperation &