The key objective of PASTINNOVA is to re-enforce the sustainability, profitability and resilience of small pastoral farm, by setting up innovations, business and organizational models (IBM) to valorize their full potential as drivers towards agro-ecological transition in livestock production.
Specific objectives (SO):
SO1. To co-create, test and implement technical, organizational and social innovative models for sustainable Mediterranean pastoral farms and transparent value chains of pastoral products in different environmental and socio-cultural contexts taking into account the practices, experience and complex interactions of actors.
SO2. To promote the efficient use of local resources at risk of abandonment or overusing and to valorise their economic, environmental and social attributes in order to diversify and face global challenges and promote adaptation to climate change.
SO3. To propose readily available policies, strategies and technological tools tailored to the needs and opportunities of actors, with a focus on fully recognizing the multisectoral role (social, economic, environmental) of pastoral systems and the inclusion of vulnerable pastoral groups.
SO4. To increase innovation capacities of Mediterranean pastoral actors and awareness about the contributions of pastoralism towards inclusive and equitable pastoral areas and rural societies.
PASTINNOVA is in line with the Farm to Fork Strategy and the ambitious environmental goals of Biodiversity Strategy of the EU for 2030. Pastoral systems provide a wide range of ecosystem services and play multiple roles towards sustainable and inclusive development.
Socio-economic role: pastoralism has protected livelihoods in mountain/marginal/island areas for centuries and is still an important source of income and employment, even combined with other activities.
Environmental role: being tailored to local conditions, pastoralism makes efficient use of natural resources. Good grazing practices in pastoral systems play an essential role in the management of grazing land; biodiversity; landscape structure; and mitigating climate change effects (e.g. GHGs, soil carbon stock in rangelands).
Cultural heritage: the cultural heritage of pastoralism characterizes territories through traditional ecological knowledge, farm and land management; customs, traditions and norms; and processing. Transhumance is inscribed in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity (Greece, Italy, Austria), while pastoral dairy products constitute important elements of Mediterranean diets.
PASTINNOVA employs a methodological framework which combines co-creation, co-assessments and implementation where four elements interact.
Needs Diagnosis
On-desk & participatory listing.
Identification & scoring of IBMs.
Co-creation & RLLs
Co-creation of Innovative Business Models.
Regional Living Labs.
Sustainability Assessment.
Scaling Up
Successful Examples.
Performance & Survival Strategies.
Gender Balance.
Climate Change & Unexpected Conditions.
Policy & Market Uptake
Key Outputs.
Modular Toolkits & eco-systemic services.
White papers & training material.
ICT tools & platform.