Date: 24 July and 16 August 2023
Format: in person meeting
Location: Chamber of Agriculture in Sétif, Algeria
Duration: 2 days
Twelve (12) women and ten (10) men from the following organisations participated in this event:
- Researchers and members of the PASTINNOVA Algeria project
- The president of the Chamber of Agriculture of the Wilaya (Department) of Sétif
- The secretary general of the Chamber of Agriculture of the Wilaya
- Lead breeders in charge of the creation of the pastoral association
- Other participants from the Wilaya Chamber of Agriculture.
Two workshops have been organised in Sétif (Algeria) to officially implement the pastoral association as Algeria’s first innovation and business model (IBM). The meetings gathered potential pastoralists to pursue the following objectives:
- Present the objectives of the PASTINNOVA project and its international and national context, as well as its relevance for pastoralism.
- Explain the clusters and the expected active participation of stakeholders in the co-design, co- implementation and the co-creation of the IBMs selected for Algeria within the regional living laboratories.
- Present the two Algerian IBMs and the working methods of breeders to support their implementation.
- Prepare for the implementation of the association and the implementation of innovations in a framework of valorization of products well inserted in efficient value chains.
- Explain the fundamental status of the association
- Open applications for founding members of the association.
Outcome/Deliverable: implementation of the pastoral association within the framework of the PASTINNOVA project; a report has been prepared with the details about the meeting;